

人教版新目标七下Unit 9 What does he look like?


Section A

1.straight adj. 直的


straight hair 直发

Draw a straight line with a ruler. 用尺子画一条直线。

The street is straight. 这条街道是笔直的。

【拓展】straight 也可作副词,意为“直接地,径直地”。

I have to go straight home. 我必须直接回家。

2.tall adj. 高的     既可以指人的身高,也可以表示物体高大。

She is a tall girl. 她是个高个儿女孩。

He lives in a tall building. 他住在一幢高楼里。high与tall形容建筑物“高”时可以互换,但形容mountain(山)时,只能用 high. 辨析:tall与high

tall 常指人、动物、树、建筑物等高,其反义词为short a tall man一个高个儿男人

a tall building一幢高楼

a tall tree一棵高大的树

high 多指山高,也指空间位置或程度上高,还可指抽象意义上的“高”,如物价、速度、温度等方面的“高”,其反又词为low a high mountain一座高山

high prices 高价

3.medium adj. 中等的

This is a coat of medium size, 这是一件中号外衣。

-What size shirt does he wear, small, medium or large?




【拓展】我们在购买衣服时,常常看到L、M、S的标志。其中L 表示“大号”,是large的缩略形式;M表示“中号”,是medium的缩略形式;S表示“小号”,是small的缩略形式。4.height n. 身高;高度    high形容词高的

询问某人的身高或某物的高度是多少,常用what,而不用 how much 或how many.

What's your height? 你身高多少?

What's the height of that wall? 那堵墙有多高?

【拓展】height 可与介词in 连用,常用于描述某人有多高的句子中,其结构为Sb.+be+数字+meter(s)/foot(feet)in height., 此时,in height 相当于形容词 tall.

He is two meters in height.=He is two meters tall.他两米高。

【固定搭配】(1)in height 表示身高。

He is five feet in height. 他身高五英尺。

(2)at a height of表示“以……的高度”。

It is flying at a height of 5,000 feet. 它正以5000英尺的高度飞行。

5.medium height 中等身高

This medium height girl is Mary. 这个中等个头的姑娘是玛丽。

6.(be) of medium height 中等身高

He is of medium height. 他中等个头。

7.thin adj. 瘦的反义词为fat. She is very thin. 她非常瘦。

拓展thin adj. 薄的。反义词为 thick.

a thin book一本薄书8.heavy adj.重的 反义词为 light. 【注意】heavy修饰人时,表示“体胖的,重的”。描述人“胖”时,用fat并不礼貌,委婉一点的说法用 heavy. heavy用来修饰天气时,表示雨、雪“大”。

【知识拓展】heavily adv. 严重地,大量地。

It's raining heavily. 雨下得很大。

9.tonight adv.&n. (在)今晚;(在)今夜

Are you free tonight? 今晚你有空吗?

I must go home to listen to tonight's radio news.


10.little adj. 小的

I have a little brother. 我有一个小弟弟。

a little “有点儿”;一点;少量    相当于a bit, 修饰形容词或副词,在句中作状语。

It's a little/a bit hot today. 今天有点儿热。


a few, few, a little, little


意义          功能 修饰不可数名词 修饰可数名词
表肯定含义 a little(一点儿) a few(几个,一些)
表否定含义 little(几乎没有) few(几乎没有)

There is a little water in the glass. 玻璃杯里有一点儿水。

There is little water in the glass. 玻璃杯里几乎没有水。

She has a few apples. 她有一些苹果。

She has few apples. 她几乎没有苹果。

I have a few friends, and they want to drink a little water, but there is little water in the water bottle.


11.glasses n.(pl.) 眼镜

glasses 作“眼镜”解时,总是以复数形式出现,作主语时,谓语动词常用复数形式,但前面加 this/that/a pair of 时谓语用单数形式。

My glasses are expensive. 我的眼镜很贵的。

This pair of glasses is mine. 这副眼镜是我的。


I cut my hand on some broken glass. 我的手被碎玻璃割伤了。


There are two glasses of water on the table. 桌子上有两杯水。

12.later adv. 以后     单独使用时,表示从现在算起的“以后”

See you later then. 那么回头见。

Let's stop now and finish it later. 咱们现在停下来,以后再完成它。

【拓展】①later 常放在表示数量意义的词的后面,表示“过后;后来”。

many years later许多年后

②later 可与on 连用构成 later on, 意为“以后,随后”,通常在句中作状语,既可放于句首,也可放于句末。

13.handsome adj. 英俊的   专指男子的“漂亮,英俊”。He is a very handsome film star. 他是一位非常英俊的电影明星。

辨析:handsome, beautiful与 pretty

handsome 一般用来形容男性,意为“英俊的,潇洒的” he young man is very handsome.


beautiful 一般用来形容女性貌美动人,意为“漂亮的”。可用来描述女人孩子或事物 She is a beautiful girl.


It's a beautiful picture.


pretty 用来形容女性、孩子或事物,侧重从主观上评述某人或某物,指“娇小的”“可爱的”,语气比 beautiful弱,意为“漂亮的” She is not really beautifyl, but she looks pretty  when she smiles.


14.actor n. 演员

actress n. 女演员


act+or-actor(男演员)  act+ress-actress(女演员)


②在英语构词法中,还有名词、动词和形容词加后缀-ist变为名词的,表示“从事…的专家”。类似的单词有artist“艺术家”,tourist“旅行家”,scientist“科学家”,specialist“专家”等。15.person n. 人  为可数名词,其复数形式为persons. person的形容词形式为personal, 意为“私人的;个人的”。

This is a personal car. 这是一辆私人轿车。辨析:person与 people


person 意为“人”时,着重指个人。作可数名词,常指有个性的、特定的人 There are three persons in their team.


people 意为“人们”时,着重指全体,作集合名词,表复数概念 There are many people at the party. 聚会上有许多人。

Section B

16.round adj. 形的

The earth is round. 地球是圆的。

The little girl has a round face. 这个小女孩长着一张圆圆的脸。


(1)adv. 迂回地,在周围。

He stood there looking all round. 他站在那儿环顾四周。

(2)prep. 围绕,环绕,大约。

They sat round the table. 他们围桌而坐。

17.face n. 脸

Anger showed in his face. 他的脸上露出了怒容。【知识拓展】face v. 面对,面向,朝向。

We should face the problem bravely. 我们应该勇敢地面对困难。

Most houses face south. 大多数的房子都是朝向南的。【固定搭配】make a face 做鬼脸,face to face 面对面,lose face 丢面子,save (one's)face挽回面子。

18.singer n. 歌手  是由动词 sing十er 构成的名词。sing 动词 唱

She is a great singer. We all like her.


19.artist n. 艺术家   an artist

20.crime n. 作可数名词,意为“罪,罪行”;作不可数名词,意为“犯罪活动,不法行为”:意为“不道德的行为,罪过”时用单数。

He did a serious crime. 他犯了重罪。

We must fight with crime. 我们必须与不法行为作斗争。

It's a crime to waste money like that. 像那样浪费金钱是一种罪过。

  1. 21.criminal 可数名词,意为“罪犯”。

None of them is a real criminal. 他们中没有一个是真正的罪犯。

【拓展】criminal 用作形容词,意为“犯罪的;犯法的”。

He usually deals with serious criminal cases. 他通常处理重大刑事案件。

22.put v. 放 put为及物动词,此处意为“把…放在;摆;搁;安置”,常用于以下结构:


Please put the book on the desk. 请把书放在桌子上。


Put the chair here, please. 请把那把椅子放在这里。

Please put the books in the desk. 请把书放进书桌里。【拓展】put的相关短语:

put on穿上(衣服)     put up举起:张贴;搭建

put away放好,把…收起来    put down放下:写下

23.each adj.&pron. 每个;各自


Each student has a dictionary, 每个学生都有一本词典。

each 作代词,意为“每个:各个”,可单独作主语,也可后接“of+复数名词/代词”作主语,其谓语动词用单数形式。若用作同位语,须放在主语的后面,谓语动词用复数形式。

Each of them has a new book. 他们每人有一本新书。

They each want to get the ball. 他们每个人都想得到那个球。辨析:each与every

each 形容词 指两者或两者以上中的“每一个”,侧重个体
代词 可作主语或宾语,其后可接介词of
every 形容词 指三者或三者以上范围中的“每一个”,侧重总体,不能单独使用

Each of the students has a new bike. =Each student has a new bike.


24.way n. 方式;路线     用作可数名词,意为“方式;方法”,常与介词in连用。如果 way前有this, that 等限定词,介词in 可省略;但如果放在句首,介词in则不可省略。

The little cat catches fish in this way. 那只小用这种方法捉鱼。

What is another way of saying TV? TV的另一种说法是什么?

Do you know the way to the park? 你知道去公园的路吗?

【固定搭配】by the way 顺便说一下,顺便问一下, in the way挡道,on the way在路上。

25.describe v. 描述  及物动词 ,表示“向…描述”时,须借助介词to.

Can you describe your father(to us)? 你能(向我们)描述一下你的父亲吗?

【拓展】describe 的名词形式为 description.

That is a description of you. 那是对你的描述。

26.differently adv. 不同地   相当于 in different ways, 常用来修饰谓


【知识拓展】different 是形容词,意为“不同的,不一样的”, different的反义词为same, 意为“相同的;一样的”。常构成短语 be different from, 意为“与…不同”。

Different people have different ideas. 不同的人有不同的看法。

My bike is different from yours. Mine is white.

我的自行车和你的不一样,我的是白颜色的。Different people might interpret events differently.


27.another adj.&pron. 另一;又一


I don't like this one. Please show me another.


I have three daughters. One is a nurse, another is a teacher and another is a worker. 我有三个女儿。一个是护士,另一个是教师,还有一个是工人。

【拓展】①one... another... 表示不定数目中的“一个…另一个…. ”;表示两者中“一个…另一个…”用one… the other…

I have two daughters. One is a nurse; the other is a teacher.


②one another 意为“互相”,相当于each other.

We should help one another. 我们应当互相帮助。

3 another 可与基数词及复数名词连用,即“another+基数词+可数名词复数”,意为“再有几个…; 还有几个… ”,相当于“基数词+more+可数名词复数”。

I need another two books. =I need two more books. 我还需要两本书。

  1. 28.end 结尾;尽头in the end 最后

In the end, the real criminal is a short and heavy old man, and he has short black hair!


In the end we won the match. 最后我们赢得了这场比赛。

辨析:in the end 和at the end of

in the end表示“最后,终于”,相当于 at last, finally. 其反义短语为at first, end 此处作名词,意为“结尾;尽头”。You can always tell the differences in the end.


Let's read the end of the story first. 让我们先看看故事的结尾吧。

【拓展】at the end of 意为“在…的尽头/末尾”。

The cinema is at the end of this street. 电影院在这条街的尽头。

He can finish the work at the end of January.


29.real adj. 真正的;真实的

He is the real manager. 他是真正的经理。


①real指客观存在的、非想象的,其副词形式为 really.

Is this real gold? 这是真金吗?

Do you really want to go? 你真的想去吗?

②true 指与客观事实相一致的,非杜撰、捏造的,其副词形式为 truly.

Some foreign students will come to our school. It's true.


Let me tell you a true story about a real man.


30.jeans n. 牛仔裤  复数名词,意为“牛仔裤”,使用时多用复数形式。

He usually wears jeans, a T-shirt and sports shoes.




Section A

  1. short hair 短发


① short 作“短的”讲时,可以指距离、时间、物体的“短”,反义词是long(长的)。

This ruler is short, but that one is long. 这把尺子短,但是那把长。

②short 作“矮的”讲时,可以指人的个子矮,反义词是tall(高的)。

He is a short man. 他是一个身材矮小的人。


She has long hair. 她留着长发。

He is a short fat man with no hair on his head.


  1. What does he look like? 他长什么样?

What does/do+主语+look like? 用来询问某人的外貌特征,意思是“…长什么样?”,常用“主语+be+描述人物外貌特征的形容词”或“主语+have/has+名词(名词前可以有多个形容词修饰)”两种方式回答。

-What does your friend look like?


-He is short and thin. 他又矮又瘦。

-What do they look like? 他们长什么样?

-They're very tall. They have short straight hair.


注意 此处的like是介词,表示“像,像…一样”。

He looks like his elder brother. 他长得像他哥哥。

辨析:look like与be like 两者都有“看起来像”的意思,其区别如下:

look like 常指人的外观或外貌 He looks like his father.


-What is he like?


be like 常指人的性格、人品 -He is very friendly.



  1. She's of medium height, and she has long straight hair.


(1)此句是用来描述人的外貌的常用句型。表示某人中等身高或中等身材时,其结构为"Sb. +be+of+medium height/build. ".

My Chinese teacher is of medium height. 我的语文老师中等身高。

(2)表示“某人长着或留着…发时”只能用have/has, 其结构为“Sb. +have/has+... hair. "。

My mother has long hair. 我妈妈留着长发。4.Are you going to the movie tonight? 今晚你去看电影吗?


此类动词还有 arrive, come, leave, fly, start等。

I'm leaving tomorrow. 我明天要走。

The bus is coming soon. 公共汽车很快就要来了。

5.We're meeting at seven, right? 我们七点见,对吗?

(1)meet 动词,意为“见面;集合;碰头;聚集”。

Let's meet for dinner. 让我们相聚吃晚饭吧。

We are meeting at the school gate at eight. 我们八点在校门口集合。

(2)right 此处意为“对吗;是吧”,表示对前面陈述的内容进行确认或核实。完整的表达是:Is that right? 口语中常用不完整的句子表达意见或想法。类似这种用法的常见词语还有OK等。

So please let us know what you want, OK?

那么请让我们知道你想要什么,好吗?6.Yeah, but I may be a little late. 对,但是我可能晚一点儿。


It may be in your pencil-box. 它可能在你的文具盒里。

She may know. 她可能知道。辨析:may be与 maybe

may be “情态动词+be动词”结构,在句子中作谓语,意为“也许是” He may be a teacher.


maybe 副词,常用于句首,作状语,意为“也许”,同义词是perhaps Maybe he is a teacher. 也许他是个教师。


7.What does your favorite actor or actress look like?


8.This person is of medium height. 这个人中等身高。

Section B

  1. Some people see crimes and then talk to Joe.


talk to... 意为“和/与…谈话”

Come here. I want to talk to you. 过来,我想和你谈话。

辨析:talk to, talk with, talk about与talk of

talk to “和/与…谈话”,强调一方说,另一方听,to表示方向 Don't talk to your classmates in class.


talk with “和/与…谈话”,强调谈话对象是双向交流 My mother often talks with my teacher.


talk about “谈论”,涉及谈话内容和具体情况 They are talking about their friends.


talk of “谈起,谈到”,只涉及某人或某事,不涉及内容 Mr. Li often talks of his school life.



10.They tell him what the criminal looks like. 他们告诉他罪犯的长相。


11.Then Joe draws a picture of the criminal, and the police put it in newspapers and on television to find him.


draw a picture of... “画一幅…的画”。

Please draw a picture of the tree. 请给那棵树画一幅画。

Can you draw a picture of him? 你能画出他的画像吗?

注意draw a picture for sb. 意为“为某人画像”。

Can you draw a picture for me? 你能为我画像吗?12. Many people don't always see things the same way so they may describe the same person diffferently.


(1)not always表示部分否定,意为“不总是”。当句子中有all, every, both, always等词时,否定词 not 无论用在主语中,还是谓语部分中,都表示部分否定。若要表示完全否定,则要用 no, none, nobody, nothing, neither, never等词。

He doesn't always get up early. 他并非总是早起。

She is never late. 她从不迟到。

(2)same 形容词,意为“相同的;同样的”,用在名词前作定语,一般情况下与定冠词 the 连用。

They ask the same questions. 他们问同样的问题。

They come from the same school. 他们来自同一所学校。


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